
We use cookies on this website. The next few sections contain information on the following:

What are cookies?

Why do we use cookies?

What cookies do we use?

How to control cookies.

What are Cookies

Where we use the word ‘device’, we mean the computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device you use to access the internet.

Cookies are created when you visit a website that uses cookies. Cookies are small files of letters and numbers. These files are either stored in the memory of your device or are placed on the hard drive of your device.

If you’d like to read more about cookies, we think this website contains a lot of helpful information: 

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to distinguish you from other users of this website and to provide increased functionality on our website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience and also allows us to work to improve our website.

We don’t use any of our cookies to collect personal information about you, only anonymous information. We don’t use any of our cookies to target you with online advertising.

Please note that not all the cookies on our website are set by us (see Cookies set by third parties below).

What cookies do we use? 

Strictly Necessary Cookies – These cookies are essential. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to move around our website or use its features. We use these cookies to:

  • Allow your computer to be recognised within a website so any page changes, item or data selection is remembered; and
  • Detect software on your device which enables content on our website.

These cookies are only stored for the duration of your visit to our website.

How to control cookies

How to control cookies on this and other websites: You can use your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari etc) to allow, switch off or delete cookies on this and other websites. Each web browser is different so check the ‘Help’ function of your particular browser to determine how to update your cookie settings. If you are having difficulty updating your cookie settings, we recommend the website: It contains a step by step guide explaining how to update your cookies settings on most web browsers. Please note that, in a few cases, switching off or deleting cookies may reduce the functionality of or prevent access to certain websites (including this website).

Cookies set by third parties

We use a number of social media tools and external applications to enhance your interaction with this website – for example, we sometimes embed videos from YouTube. As a result, you may be sent cookies from these third party websites. We do not control these cookies and we suggest you check these third party websites for more information about the cookies they use. Please also see How to control cookies on this and other websites above for guidance on how you can switch off or delete cookies on other websites.



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